What is IFC?

The ‘open’ standard for file- and data exchange used at openBIM is called IFC or ‘Industry Foundation Classes’. IFC is meant to save and exchange model data like real walls, floors, doors, windows, etc. with all their real-live properties. This is opposite to graphical file formats like DWG in which only the graphical entities are named, like lines, arcs, fills etc. IFC is an open standard and is available for all partners in the construction industry.

Software and discipline-independant

The possibility to exchange intelligent data of buildings and projects on a reliable and consitent manner between different software is the main goal of openBIM. The importance for users is to be able to use data of other disciplines to imporve the over-all design of the building and the effectiveness of the project workfow.

Starting with IFC

First, choose the best software for your job that supports openBIM. This will best benefit an IFC workflow. Then decide together with your partners how to exchange data based on IFC: who is responsible for which data and what level of detail. Use it, work together, exchange data and learn how to model for the best results.

Background information

BuildingSMART is founded in 1995 (then called IAI) by American and European AEC companies (softwarevendors and end-users) to stimulate the exchange of building data. BuildingSMART has so-called ‘chapters’ in Europe, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Australië, America, etc with over 1.000 members. KUBUS is member of BuildingSMART Benelux. An actual overview of all software vendors which support IFC and openBIM can be found on www.buildingsmart.com.

Founder BuildingSMART