The strength of BIMcollab is the intuitive interface & usability
CDPP-Project is the very first BIM-Project for BLB NRW With the CDPP-project, modern research rooms are being built on a leasable area of around 6,400 square meters. We had some major struggles with managing the information exchange during the project. We used Navisworks for clash detection and had two options to exchange the data: as a PDF/Excel Report or send the NWD file to the engineering team. Using PDF/Excel reports, dealing with more than 500 issues, is a very tedious and extremely time-consuming task.
”BIMcollab is everything an engineer needs to keep focused on the design, instead of spending hours reading reports or making phone calls throughout Germany and abroad.” Formitas
We started to evaluate the BCF exchange as a solution to our problem of managing all the issues. Our first focus was on the stand alone BCF Manager and we used our IBPM-Platform to exchange BCF files. But we soon discovered BIMcollab Nexus and the BCF Managers for Revit. That was the real ‘Aha! moment’.In addition, we use Zoom in specific cases, like when working together with engineers that use software which are not BCF compatible. Zoom gets them more involved in the project
“Strength of BIMcollab is the intuitive interface & usability. I spend less than 15 minutes explaining how to use it to new team members.”
About formitas
Since 2007 formitas specializes in integrated 3D-planning and Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Virtual Reality. We have a team of more than 40 employees located at the RWTH Aachen University campus, as well as in Cologne, Berlin and Athens. They are active in the field of architecture, engineering, software development and experts of project management, facility management and virtual reality.
Thomas Geißler is head of BIM Management at formitas AG, and has more than 25 years of experience as a consultant in computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided facility management (CAFM) and building information modelling (BIM). Kiril Sipkov, BIM manager, is part of his team and works in the area of BIM-based project management, BIM process analytics and quality management, with a focus on industrial facilities and civil infrastructure.