This ebook is also available in DeutschEspañol, Português and Français.

The essence of successful BIM

The BIM revolution is in full swing, leading to more and more companies implementing BIM into their projects. Even the simplest projects involve multiple disciplines, all using their own software. Of course, this is a great development. But it raises a lot of questions and challenges as well.

In this ebook, BIM specialist Ferran Masip, will walk you through the essence of successful BIM. By covering topics such as:

  • What does BIM collaboration mean?
  • Who do you need to collaborate with?
  • And why should you use openBIM?

Download the ebook and find all the answers you need!

Manage BIM coordination in the most efficient way

About the author

Ferran Masip has been a BIM’er since the very first moment he had the chance to test BIM software back in 2006. Since then, he has been passionate about spreading the use of BIM software and helping private companies and administrations to move to BIM. He’s a true believer of openBIM solutions, involving all the stakeholders and improving communication workflows in order to create better models.

Are you interested in connecting with us to discover what our solutions can bring you? Don’t hesitate to book a meeting.
