VR integration

Vixel and BIMcollab announce VR – BCF integration

The integration partnership between Vixel and BIMcollab enables users of Vrex and BIMcollab to collaborate and work on three dimensional models using virtual reality (VR) and professional issue management. All issues from BIMcollab are directly available to the user through Vrex. Users can create new issues and review or comment on existing issues.

Baixe a última versão do Zoom para alto desempenho

Not too long ago we released the new version of BIMcollab Zoom with some major performance improvements. You can now load a large model (185.000 components) 9 times faster into Zoom! But there are many more improvements to be discovered. Go read all about it and don’t forget to download the latest version.


Takenaka agreement for BIMcollab integration

We are proud to announce that Takenaka, a 12 billion dollar Design & Construct company from Japan, embraced BIMcollab’s Enterprise -plan as their issue management solution. We will work together to integrate the BIMcollab on-premise solution with Takenaka’s in-house BIM platform. The Enterprise plan includes multiple Zoom Pro licenses.

BEXEL manager integration

BEXEL Integrates BIMcollab BCF Manager in BEXEL Manager 10

Consulting announced that the BIMcollab BCF Manager has been integrated into their BIM Management software BEXEL Manager 10. The integration is the first development based on BIMcollab’s SDK with more in the pipeline to come. With this integration BEXEL customers can now also enjoy all benefits of the BIMcollab ecosystem

VR integration

VR meets BIM issue management

Unique! Our development partner Formitas integrated BIMcollab issue management in their virtual reality solution. Walk through your model, look around and assign and communicate issues on the spot. The future is here? Check out the video

PowerBI integration

Relatório avançado de issues usando o Power BI

Você e sua equipe estão trabalhando arduamente para resolver issues encontradas em modelos BIM. Excelente! Agora, deixe seus stakeholders do projeto saberem disso. Descubra como conectar o BIMcollab ao Power BI para criar relatórios totalmente personalizados, relatórios paginados e painéis esclarecedores. Ler artigo do blog

Cloud 5

Press release: New BIMcollab 5 makes issue tracking clever

We are excited to announce today the release of BIMcollab 5. With this major release for the BIMcollab platform, we are aiming to extend the functionality as well as improve the efficient workflow between all BIMcollab components. Centered around issue management we bring you more documentation options, the possibility to integrate point clouds into BIM models, and give you better tools to validate BIM information.

Integrated tools BCF-APi

BIMcollab releases BCF-API to link new BIM tools

BIMcollab now provides software developers with a new way of connecting their BIM software applications to the BIMcollab issue management eco-system. Next to the existing development kit and PowerBI connector, BIMcollab now supports the BCF-API.

Tekla Award 2019

BIMcollab wins the 2019 Tekla Developers Award!

Our BCF Manager for Tekla has been voted number one by professionals worldwide. Tekla’s very own Developers Award has been received with great pride and we would to say thanks to all that have voted for us! It’s a firm recognition that we’re developing BIM tools that really make a difference for users.


New version BIMcollab integrates with BIM360

The new BIMcollab of this summer is the start of a new direction. After integrating with many BIM authoring and model checker tools, the development is shifted towards joining forces with CDE platforms. The first one available is the integration with BIM360 (July 6th) and more to follow.

PowerBI BIMcollab

Novo Conector BIMcollab Power BI 1.1 oferece relatórios poderosos

Today, we released a new version of the BIMcollab Power BI Connector with more issue-data available for more granular reporting on BIMcollab data. This new version now also supports the Microsoft’s On-premises Data gateway for automatic updating of dashboards. With this update BIMcollab users are able to create and share more detailed and accurate dashboards to enhance collaboration within BIM teams.

Integrated tools BCF-APi

New connection via BCF-API: BricsCAD

BricsCAD is one of the first new applications to connect to our versatile issue management platform, using the new BCF-API. BricsCADis best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling. And BricsCAD BIM allows user to create parametric building and infrastructure projects in an intuitive and customizable environment.